The Importance of Digital Literacy
“We must step out of our tendency to armchair-theorize about how social media affects us and develop a rigorous scientific understanding of how it works.” ...
Social Media & The Rise of Misinformation
THE SPREAD OF MISINFORMATION Misinformation spread by social media is rampant and can have disastrous results. For example, in 2013, a false tweet briefly wiped out almost $140 billion in U.S. stock market value. This sent traders into chaos until the truth was...
TechLash: Social Media & Its Effect on Democracy
POLITICAL DIVISIVENESS & SOCIAL MEDIA The initial idealism of social media – democracy, friction-free communication, one-button socializing - has vanished. Now America is embroiled in political turbulence and has suffered the largest-ever-recorded drop in...
The Expectation of Targeted Content
THE NEED FOR SPECIFICALLY TARGETED CONTENT As technology of mass media advances, so do the audience's expectations. Users of social media now expect the suggested content to be specifically targeted to their preference. The modern user has a decreased attention span...
Visual Storytelling: Developing Multimedia Skills
THE POWER OF MULTIMEDIA There is no denying the job description for journalists and marketers has been utterly transformed. The ever present glimmer of technology may not have eroded our degree of literacy, but it has had a major impact on our attention span and...
Building Brand Awareness through Engagement
THE IMPORTANCE OF AUDIENCE ENGAGEMENT One of the most effective ways to build brand awareness, while providing relevant and useful content to your target audience, is with consistent blogging. Prior to the technological revolution, "push marketing" in which the...
Understanding SEO
EVOLUTION OF THE WRITTEN WORD The digital age arrived with big communication challenges for traditional mainstream media. This has made it necessary for the modern media professional to learn an entirely new bag of tricks. While one’s mind may immediately leap to...